Some things that have helped me when I was lost
Self-Publishing | Marketing | Business
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Nicole Chamberlain - “Self Publishing” video series (playlist | Spotted Rocket publishing)
Drew Morris - “How I Self-Publish My Sheet Music” (video | Yellow Envelope publishing)
New Music USA - “Online Score Sales for Self-Published Composers” (article)
New Music USA - “Publishing, Self-Publishing, and the Internet” (transcript from panel discussion)
Rights, Royalties and Permissions
ASCAP - “Licensing Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ)
I am an ASCAP member but do not receive any compensation for link clicks.
US Copyright Office - “What Musicians Should Know About Copyright” (article with videos | PDF on submitting copyright for your work)
The Modern Musician - “Music Licensing: Mechanical Royalties Explained” (video)
please note, the mechanical rate mentioned in this video is out of date—so be sure to check updated rates each year!
The Modern Musician - “What is Synchronization License & Sync Licensing"?” (video)
Ditto Music - “How Much Do Music Streaming Services Pay Musicians?” (article with royalties calculator)
Ditto Music is a music distributor; I do not have any work registered with them and cannot speak to their own practices and rates.
Marketing and Content Creation Tools
Adobe Express (paid service)
tool to create cover art, social media posts, videos, ad graphics, flyers, and more; includes a mobile app - they include some features free, or offer the full service for $10/month (website)
Scorefolio (paid service)
tool to create your own score videos from your PDFs and audio files - they include some features for free, or offer the full service for $6/month (website)
Commissioning Guides
New Music USA and Meet the Composer, Inc. - “Commissioning Music: A Basic Guide” (PDF | Calculator)
intended as a general resource for first-time commissioners
American Composers Forum - “Commissioning by Individuals” (Article)
intended for individuals who are looking to commission new work
American Composers Forum - “Community Toolkit” (PDF)
intended for organizations who are looking to commission new work, and how to tie that commission to other community benefits
General Business Resources
Staying Composed: Overcoming Anxiety and Self-Doubt Within a Creative Life - book by Dale Trumbore
this book is a miracle and I can’t recommend it enough. Dale’s insightful and succinct essays address a wide range of hidden fears, stumbling blocks, and difficult situations. While she comes from a largely choral-focused background, her book is a great companion for anyone who is making a life in a creative field (website)
Ultimate Music Business Summit (paid conference)
this is a relatively new virtual conference - hosted annually, a huge variety of speakers provide virtual presentations about music-specific topics ranging from starting up a private lesson studio, tips for collaboration, how to fund your next project, and a lot more (facebook page)
29 Days to Diva - coaching blog series by Megan Ihnen
blog series in which the reader is tasked with microactions of the course of a month - a great way to jumpstart your goals for those just getting started! While the series is aimed at singers, it can be easily adjusted to a composing / other performing practice! This links to the most recent iteration of the series (website)
Studio Class - podcast series by Megan Ihnen
music business series, including many interviews with music professionals offering advice, industry insights, and more (website)
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